Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Color light impact in Swimming Pools offerd by Dolce Pools LLC

Light Effect in water after Dark - by Dolce Pools DFW

The view of light effect in water with water shaping elements i.e Rock water falls, Sheer Decent fall etc., is a definite plus to enhance the look and feel of a swimming pool from artistic and aesthetic aspects that brings quite a pleasing satisfaction.

made by Dolce-Pools

There are variety of light options available for pools these days with advancement of pool-light technology. LED lighting options seems to be catching on as a new trend of safe and effective pool lighting system contributing to pool's beauty after dark. Adding fire ornamental effect with lights, it makes quite a show. LED lighting and fire effects play off the grotto rock and pool creating substantial "wow" factor to place a lasting impression in the minds of the viewers. The above image refers to one of the Dolce-Pools made swimming pool in Dallas Fort worth area.

Check out the video below that includes view of Light & water-fall effect -